
Fill out the form below for your eBag promotional material. For live examples of the finished product, you can visit one of the previous eBags here. Please fill out the information as much as possible, especially contact information.
Selecting an eBag item type will automatically display the correct fields, and make sure to select the correct event from the dropdown.

eBag types

Select the type of bag item you would like from the drop down, and the fields below will automatically update to what is needed

  • Text/Image Content
    Allows you to add text or images using a simple editor. You can also add text formatting such as bold or italic, and links within the text. You can either use the visual editor, or switch to HTML if you are comfortable with it
  • Link
    You can add a link to your site or information. You can add custom text to display instead of the URL, and you can add a text description as well.
  • Video
    You can add a YouTube or Vimeo video. Simply select it from the appropriate service dropdown, and add the video ID found in the URL string.
  • PDF
    Simply upload the PDF file you would like displayed

Example Listing (with description)